Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog changes

Navigating between our blogs.

We have added tabs at the top of the page to jump between our 2 blogs.  On the main blog, the "PD Workshops" tab will take you through to our PD Information Blog.  On the PD information blog the "Main Blog" will bring you here.

Due to feedback we have also changed the background picture and colour theme of the PD Information to make it clearer which blog you are viewing.

PD Information Blog format.

We have changed the format of the PD Information Blog a little.  Because we have stepped up the PD timetable some will now overlap during booking.  Each PD will now get it's own page to prevent it from being pushed down the page or off the bottom.  The main portion of the blog will be reserved for announcements, booking status updates, etc.

Pdi Provider link.

You will now find a link to the CRT Networks Pdi Provider page in the "Websites of interest" group of links. This will take you to a page showing the PD Workshops from all networks that have Pdi approval and are being advertised through Pdi.  note;  this means the PDs listed are statewide, not just local.  As always ours are prefaced with "Wodonga" to make them easy to pick out of the list.

New Links List.

We have replaced an old text box with a new links list, "Resources".  This list is to be populated with all the stuff that "doesn't quite fit" anywhere else.  Here you will find links to kids art and music TV shows that I steal ideas from when required, children's educational gaming sites (all pre-approved by my 3 year old!) and similar places on the internet.



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