Sunday, October 6, 2013

CRT PD in Wodonga and Wangaratta to continue.

Well, this year has been a bit of an on-again, off-again affair for CRT PD in the Hume region.  The reasons are many and varied so I won't bore you with the details, just announce that the Wodonga CRT Support Network will continue to provide monthly meetings and PD workshops into 2014 and beyond.

Term 2 saw a flood of PD as we played a game of "catch up" to get in as much PD as possible to make up for the lower than usual amount of PD in the previous 6 months.  Now that things have settled we will be returning to our regular schedule of:
  • 11 x Monthly Meetings per year.
  • 4 x 6.5 hour, full-day PD workshops per year.
  • As many 2.5 hour evening PD workshops as the budget allows for per year.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we run PD workshops with funding from the DEECD's CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative.  This funding is supplied for the benefit of all Victorian teachers currently working as a CRT.  As a CRT working in Victoria you are entitled to take advantage of the opportunities we offer.  We recommend membership to the Wodonga CRT Support Network simply because it is the most efficient way of keeping yourself up-to-date on the PD workshops we organize but it is in no way compulsory.

As always, we operate on a first-come, first served basis.  Membership does not help or hinder CRTs in booking a seat beyond the ability to keep yourself informed.

PD Workshops in Term 4.

We are also pleased to announce that applications have been submitted for PD workshops for Term 4 2013 (one full-day and one 2.5hr PD).  We do not envisage it taking long for these workshops to be approved and we can announce dates, times and topics!

Meetings in Term 4.

Please note:  attending meetings requires membership.  If you would like to attend a meeting to see what it's about before deciding on whether to join the Network, please email us to enquire about attending as a guest!

There will be 3 Meetings in term 4:
  • Wed Oct 16 : 4.00 - 6.30.
  • Thurs Nov 7 : 4.00 - 6.30.
  • Wed Dec 11 : 4.00 - 6.30.

Altogether this will bring 16.5 hours of valid PD submissions for your renewal or registration for 2014.  More importantly, it is a chance to network with your CRT colleagues and become a member of a supportive and caring educational community!



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