Sunday, July 1, 2012

The 2012-2013 funding is in!

This year's funding is in.  Budgets are tight everywhere in education and being funded through the DEECD means their tight budget has made our budget a bit tighter too!  It's less than we have received in previous years but there is absolutely no reason to panic!

We will keep operating the way we have been operating in the last 9 months.  Between the new funding, the amount left over from last year and our Officeworks sponsorship we have more than enough funding and supplies to keep the status quo for the next 12 months.

There will be absolutely no drop in the number of workshops we offer, no drop in the quality of presenters we can offer and the catering quality can stay exactly where it's at too!

Meetings have always been funded through the Network and not the DEECD so there will be absolutely no change in those either!

Everything is right on track for the 2012-2013 financial year!

I would like to say congratulations to all VIT CRT Network Coordinators!

When the initiative that funds PD was announced, it was made clear that it was only guaranteed for 2 years.  This year marks the 3rd year of funding!  Network Coordinators have done a job worthy of continuing the CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative for another year.

If you have made use of the PD offered by a VIT CRT Network?  Please send your coordinator a letter thanking them for the job they are doing, keeping you supplied with CRT relevant PD.

If you aren't a member but have attended CRT Network PD?  You can find a list of the networks with contact emails here;



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