Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Holiday PD

Holidays are a great time for relaxing and catching up with friends.

It is also a great time for some individual professional development.
This might include reading (all the VIT and AEU publications that you have sitting in a pile from the term), internet research (remembering you have some time to play with some of the games that the kids are playing or expore an area of interest that will give you a better understanding of student behaviour/techniques/subjects), developing new lessons or reflecting on lessons that you have taught or volunteering at the local library to assist with their children's activities (and observing how others teach/run lessons).

Writing up your PD hours in one spot is also something that can be updated (or started). Grab yourself an exercise book, label it PD HOURS and keep it an area of the house that is easy to remember and grab when you need to write up your hours. I have mine sitting at the computer.

But please don't forget to rest! There has been alot of sickness travelling through schools. So please take it easy and also enjoy your holidays.

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