Sunday, December 27, 2015

DET Recommended sources of PD for Vic CRTs.

I began posting a few of the things the DET sent through a while ago as time permitted around my holiday adventures to the tune of thanks from many people who read them.  I'd like to take a minute or two to discuss what's going on at the moment.

Recently a few things have been triggered which has resulted in the DET giving a higher focus to CRTs in Vic as a "part of their workforce".  This began back in 2010 with the CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative which hit a few speed-bumps and spent almost 2 years in a state of limbo for various reasons.  The return of the CRT PLSI (now just the CRT PLI) is only part of the things that are going on behind the scenes.  In our recent interactions with the DET they have come to the table prepared.  It seems like a good portion of the time that when we say "how about doing this" the new team has already given it thought.  Thoughts, of course, take time to implement into the real world.

When it comes to the PD they have collated, as above, we coordinators asked and it was already on their minds.  It wasn't collated yet but it was certsinly on the "to do" list.  In some ways we coordinators are just providing support to create an order of priority for their already existing "to do" list.  To pass on one of their recent contributions we have created a new "DET PD" page rather than do our usual thing of placing it in the side bar. 

With this one the thanks belongs with the team at the DET, we coordinators are simply the messengers.

The new page can be found here:

or by using the tabs for pages above!



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