Sunday, July 5, 2015

Production of a new online course is underway!

As some of you may know, I produce online courses for ClassCover's Relief Teacher Association.  Our next course is shaping up well and we thought it was time for a bit of a preview.

Let us know what you think!




  1. Hi Mel, thought you had a lot of good things to say, but was distracted by the amount of movement. May need to be a little less bouncy, physically, and let the light and shade of your voice shine.Watch Jane Bunn (channel 7 weather) or Lavinia Nixon. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks! Feedback is always helpful and you aren't the first to mention it. I do get that from time to time as feedback in my other course. The truth is that while I've been doing in-person PD for quite a while I still feel under a lot of pressure as soon as I step in front of a camera! I'm a naturally animated person which serves me well in person but that little red light on the camera that tells me it's on tends to magnify it a little ;).
