Monday, July 1, 2013

Lions, Tigers, Bears - Oh my!

Wow, what a whirlwind Term 2 has been!

One of the problems with working on so much in the way of the network (PD, monthly meetings, blog, Youtube, challenges and all of the background stuff that goes on) is that while it all runs smoothly when things go right, a spanner in the works can be a real crimp on how much time we can devote to anything!  Especially now that I'm the Coordinator for Shepparton too!

In term 2 between Wodonga, Wangaratta, and Shepparton we've put on no less than 11 PD workshops!

  • The Singing Classroom in both Wangaratta and Shepparton.
  • The National Curriculum, Thinking Skills and Personalised Learning in both Wodonga and Shepparton.
  • Literacy Games in Wangaratta and Shepparton.
  • Get'em Writing in Wangaratta and Shepparton.
  • Creativity knows no boundaries in all 3 locations.
  • Jo Hinchliffe in Wodonga.
and of course our 3 monthly meetings in Wodonga on top for a grand total 14 PD opportunities (48.5 hours Presenter based + 7.5 hrs collegial = 56 hours).

Whew!  That is almost as much as what we did in Wodonga last year in a single term!

Of course this isn't "normal" as we were playing a bit of a game of catch-up because of the down-time during the funding review.

As a result, the blog and YouTube "stuffs" have simply had to suffer.  In a perfect world everything would have continued on in full force but we all know life is a matter of priorities and sometimes you just have to pick the lesser of 2 evils.

Now that things are going to settle down we can once again pay attention to the Blog, YouTube AND getting the rest of the Resource Challenge stuff collated and uploaded.

All in all we still think it's been a wonderful term despite these drawbacks and we are sorry to those of you who rely on these resources we've had to ignore.  Rest assured we are working furiously to rejuvinate what's been a slow blog and look forward to it all getting back to normal.




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