Monday, May 21, 2012

Auditor General's Report - CRT Arrangements.

April of this year saw the release of the Victorian Auditor General's report on CRT Arrangements.

You can read the document here;

My comments;

As a CRT;

I'm happy that a lot of things have come out of the realm of "we are just complaining" and moved into the arena of "Here is some hard evidence". That being said, I caution against expecting sudden change.  Change takes time and changing in the right way takes even longer.  Hopefully this report will start to move many schools away from the view that we are just babysitters and we start gaining wider recognition as willing and capable educators.

Nothing much in the report is a shock though I'm a little saddened to see schools undervalue us in so many ways.  A while ago Memo's were issued to Victorian principals suggesting that CRTs should, under certain conditions, be included in in-house Professional Learning Opportunities and provide Edumail accounts to CRTs.  The low rate of schools supplying edumail in particular is disappointing.

I organize PD myself.  I understand what an issue it can be.  I also understand that budgets are limited (and the report bears this out) so it's not always practical for schools to be supplying PD to CRTs.  I didnt' expect the numbers to be so low but that one is at least understandable.  The low number of schools actively supplying Edumail accounts is another matter.  Techs in schools are busy, that I understand.  But Edumail is vital if you want your CRTs to be on the ball with things like Ultranet where, to gain access as a teacher, you need to have an edumail account.

As a VIT CRT Network Coordinator

I'd like to point out that some of the details regarding the CRT Professional Learning Support Initiative are a little outdated.  The Initiative has improved since this data was collected though some situations remain the same.

The report puts a somewhat negative light on this but I assure you, we are out there, we are supplying PD and the students in our areas are benefitting immensely.



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