Thursday, April 12, 2012

Coordinator Meeting Summary

Hi everyone,

Last week I attended the DEECD Network Coordinator's meeting in Melbourne.  As usual a lot of the meeting was about us as Coordinators rather than CRTs.  However there's a few interesting things that came out of it for everyone.

More Maths Professional Development workshops.

Abbey, Coordinator of the Point Cook Network has taken on the task of speaking to the Maths Association of Victoria and organizing some Maths PD workshops on behalf of all the networks. She is going to try to negotiate both half and full day Workshops/Seminars, content suitable for both Primary and Secondary CRTs and be a hands-on experience for those attending.  We have every faith that she will do an excellent job!

Thanks Abbey for taking this one on!

Local Presenters.

Some criteria were discussed for using Regional presenters for DEECD funded PDs and Workshops.  It's demystified the process a little so it should see some more of our 2.5 hour PD.  It's given us a MUCH clearer definition on who we can get in meaning that some things we thought we couldn't get, we can.

Be on the lookout for these in the future!

Survey Results.

The DEECD surveys you all did back in December 2011 were collated and we received the results for our region.  There is an issue in that only a small number of CRT's responded making the results statistically irrelevant in a lot of ways.  While most of it mirrored the results of our February inquiries there were a few surprising results.

Although the number responding was statistically small we have taken the information on board and we will be making an effort in the future to find out more about what local CRTs are after.  Keep an eye on the blog to find out how we are going to do this!



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