Monday, May 11, 2009

Hey, what's in your bag of tricks?

CRTs often talk about having "A Bag of Tricks" that they carry with them when they go teaching. Everyone's "Bag of Tricks" will be different. If you have something in you "Bag of Tricks" that you can't do without, please add it to the bottom of this post and let's see what we come up with.


  1. Umm, there are so many things I couldn't do without. Stickers, A lolly pop or two, a couple of worksheets that could be used for any age level and are fun, a whistle and my bottle of water. I am sure there are many other things but they are my main ones.

  2. Maybe my voice, sense of humour, flexibility and memory (sadly this is deteriorating with age). Extra pencils, glue sticks, rubbers and a whiteboard marker that works come in handy sometimes. My trolley!!

  3. Lateral thinking puzzles, quizzles,crosswards and activities that can be adapted for all ages. My coloured deBono hats and thinkers keys and activities.
