Many grads take this the wrong way when I say it but your degree is just not as important as you think it is and that's not actually a bad thing. EVERYONE in education who matters to you personally knows it. Getting your degree is a great personal achievement and no-one should be allowed to take that away from you like the media and government currently are but in the end each and every teacher has a degree. From a professional standpoint it genuinely isn't all that special in the way many expect it to be.
There's two ways to take that. "All that study and work for 'nothing special'?!?!" is not the right one. What you get that's special is you are now allowed to be a teacher. One of the greatest and most important professions in the world as far as I am concerned and that is special enough.
The other way to take it is "Cool, no matter what the shortcomings I'm only at the beginning of my career and I can overcome every single criticism that can be levelled at my degree". Because you are NOT your degree, you are a teacher now, a professional. You have grown beyond your degree from the first moment you continue to learn about being an effective educator and you will continue to do so for your entire career.
The national standards say a lot about how ongoing learning is VITAL once we exit university, university is not, and never will be, enough. It's the core concept that no matter the shortcomings of university education, and every university education has shortcomings because there's only so much you can teach someone in a given period of time, we are always capable of learning what we need to learn and striving to be great teachers.
"The best teachers are the best learners". This isn't about university degrees and ATAR scores as it gets used in the media, that's about the public view and has little to do with us once we step out of uni. It's not what we need to hear as teachers, it's to sell newspaper subscriptions or get votes to remain in power.
For us it's about being part of "vibrant educational communities" and the ongoing learning that takes novice teachers fresh out of uni and makes them great. A university degree is only our starting point, what qualifies us to seek employment as teachers, to become novices in our profession. We continue to learn every day of our careers and that's what makes great teachers.
This isn't telling grads their degree is worthless, it's telling them that there's an all-purpose defence against arguments such as are currently going on and equipping them with the mindset to both ignore this media/government tomfoolery and continue on the road to being a great teacher. Right now is not an easy time to be entering education which makes it all the more important to aspire to greatness. Those that do and are able to maintain their dedication, passion and enthusiasm to be great in the face of adversity are the ones who will come out of this current situation on top.
Grads, you have a wonderful journey unfolding before you. Don't tarnish that by buying into this media/government hype. Instead find the sources of knowledge that inspire you to become great, to adapt to and overcome the challenges that are being put in your way.
Be wary of learning the wrongs things from the media and our governments. Focus on yourself, focus on your colleagues and focus on your students. That is the doorway to success.